Thursday, July 29, 2010

Logo needed, stat.

So yesterday as Alden and I were on our way back from the playground he started talking (all of his own volition) about logos and how they are everywhere and so cool. He brought up the dodge ridge logo and how its words were 'fast' and pointed out the logo on the steering wheel of our car.

Then he said he wants his own logo because he wants his own business cards and he wanted to copy a logo based on yin-yang from a friend's business card on Don's desk so I brought up copyright and the fact that you can't take someone elses logo.

So THEN (starting at 7:30 pm) he wanted us to come up with a logo for him, pronto, so he could get business cards. So far it's between something based on yin-yang or a flying gurnard fish. Needless to say we haven't yet finished.

um, how many kids have their own logos and business cards at age 5?

Monday, July 20, 2009

We passed by the Chapel of the Chimes tonight and there was an open casket funeral. I explained to Alden that the spirit had left that person's body and now the body would go back to the earth.

After a moment he said "I figured it out! When a baby is born, the spirit comes out of the volcano, out of the earth and goes into the baby! Then it grows up and after it dies, the spirit goes back into the earth and then into another baby! .... When I grow up, I'm gonna be a scientist"

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Alden's letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

Are you real?

If you give me please a power ranger watch with this golden man on it and a candy cane please then I will believe you and Rudolph are real.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Alden's first sumo match against international champion wrestler

So tonight Alden and I went to downtown Oakland to get some dinner and there was a huge opening for some Japanese restaurant. We were drawn over by the sound of Taiko drumming and then the sumo wrestling began. They had 4 world champion sumo wrestlers (one of them 450 pounds, just huge) and we were standing RIGHT THERE watching them wrestle. When they were done they let the kids wrestle them. Alden went just about last and he was the only kid who really was fighting! Pushing the guy around! It's amazing. This man weighs 350 lbs to Alden's 40 lbs and bested the other three wrestlers. I'll add his name when I get it but the announcer says it. Look out for Alden!

The sumo wrestler is two-time world champion Byambajav Ulambayar.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Man from Mars

So Alden likes to sing, and he remembers lyrics. This is from the Blondie song Rapture, taken with my snazzy new cell phone.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We went to Pixar a month or so ago with my friends Chris and Julie (Chris works there) to see Iron Giant. Alden was the only kid there. After the show, while the credits were rolling and the room was dark and quiet Alden piped up -- "If I had my sword I would fight those bad guys and save the giant!" -- the whole audience was laughing and laughing. I don't remember exactly what he said but he went on and on ...
On June 12th, I was sitting on the couch with my laptop and Alden came bursting over and said this:

I have a great idea.

we can get that gates slash don town slash com npr hat store

We have to do it on the computer

When we see the store we can by lots of things. cards and all that. It's gonna be really fun. It's a real store that's in this world and it's right in Oakland.

We can sign the store up on the computer.
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